The beauty of data visualizations
Who’s in today? Who’s off sick, on vacation or in an out-of-office meeting? Apart from project-based data, this is the kind of information your staff are interested in. All too often, such data disappears in intricate administrative systems—including information that appeals to your team members on an emotional level. In order to prevent this, UID employee Florian Schröder has developed for his thesis a shape-changing interface that creates an aesthetic display of neglected status data.
Our shape-changing interface “translates” dynamic attendance data into live action. Just like a living creature, the prototype reacts to the current data basis by moving and changing shape and color.
An eye-catcher in the flood of information
The lively behavior of the ambient shape-changing interface appeals to different senses and clearly stands out from the usual graphical interfaces. Not the screen but the immediate environment of the data is used as the data interface. Through atmospheric changes, the prototype conveys an impression of the current data basis as people walk past- without attracting too much of their attention. This makes our prototype an alternative means of data visualization, an eye-catcher in the daily flood of information.